How to add or update my Payment Method on File?
Please sign and complete this form to authorize to Biostar Organix Healthcare Association, PMMA dba/Diacom USA to debit the credit card and/or check listed below, and by signing this form you give us authorization to debit the account for the amount indicated on or after the indicated date as per the terms here within. By signing this payment plan agreement, you also agree additional conditions and fees that may be imposed due to surcharges, non-payment, charFew readersLaptop Return Policy
I purchased a laptop with my system, how can I return the laptop?
In general, this price of the laptops is below the retail value of most laptops.
The purchase price for laptops sold with the system contains 2 “costs”:
Cost 1: The labor cost of the installation of the software and license.
Cost 2: The wholesale price of the laptop.
Is the Cost 1 ( labor cost of the installation of the software and license) refundable?
Cost 1 ( laboFew readersSecurity Deposit Policy
Because Biostar Software and Hardware can be used as personal collateral, a security deposit policy can be helpful to better understand how a Biostar in-house loans work and the borrowers obligations.
Personal loans can be offered by banks, credit unions, and online lenders. Applicants are approved based on their credit score and financial history, witFew readersGeneral Purchase Policies
General Return Policy for purchase of software hardware and equipment.Few readers